Midnight Musings, Music and Mind Palaces!
There is Beauty in chaos!
Captivating us.
Swirling around in motion.
When you have too many thoughts in your head, you end up doing what Sherlock Holmes deliberately did (albeit, for different reasons here) and fall into what is questionably a mind palace.
Well, when memories and thought processes get too overwhelming, people express it differently. Some lash out, some cry, while others keep it all in. A multitude of ways to put forth your confusion, anguish and in-turn pour out/hide your emotions.
And as for me, I write because it helps me sooth myself.
Below are some vague thoughts clouding up my mind. And since, I could find no other way to let it all out, here goes…
She collects a handful of soil and throws it up in glee!
“Soil Rain dance”, she shouts with Joy.
I snuggled close to my mother today, trying to wrap myself around her, only to realise that I’m too old for it now. My “soil rain dance” days are long gone.
I can no longer be the kid. Not that my parents treat me any different these days, but from deep within you, there stems this feeling that you can no longer cite your immaturity as a reason.
And for better or worse, being responsible helps!
Ah! Music!
I have written only two full-fledged poems in my life. Both inspired by two lovely tracks I have had the good fortune of listening to.
And I sincerely believe that music is a living, breathing piece of art which seeks to soothe all pains of the world. You just have to figure out your taste.
Why does logic not reign in life?
A conversation with a friend brought forward this same question that has been puzzling me for months.
Having lived for more than half a century, we still wonder why? And you want to figure it out now! Fat chance of that happening anytime soon!
And that’s what my parents told me when I begged them for an explanation one day, out of sheer frustration.
Well, I guess there are some things in life that are better left unexplained.
We are all hypocrites at the end of the day! Now, this one right here; it keeps me awake every now and then.
I don’t like it but I end up being one anyway. Possibly, that’s how everyone goes about it. We judge what others do, but not our actions. A simple explanation to a very complicated phenomenon.
But then again, does our conscience grant us a choice? Or do we choose to ignore it?
People love 2 am conversations. So do I.
Maybe it’s because people tend to be brutally honest with you. The silence and calmness, perhaps serve as the biggest rooter for truth.
The darkness that shrouds over you, teaches you to be vulnerable and urges you to stay true to yourself. Away from the eyes of the world, you can breathe in your own skin.
It’s no wonder why we love it.
College is in-fact a storehouse for a plethora of opportunities. I didn’t believe it when I heard it first either.
But it’s true!!!! There are scholarships to apply for, skills to master and other avenues to explore. I realised it too late. But you don’t have to!
And before you come at me with a rifle, yes, I do know what mind palaces mean!
A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order.
But when a certain memory or thought lets loose a chain of reactions, helping you remember things that were buried deep down; when certain places act as triggers and you end up recollecting incidents, connecting the dots, one by one as you go, unleashing episodes that set in motion a myriad of emotions — that, my friends, constitutes diving into my kind of a mind palace!
Writing down every little thought that comes into your head can be a daunting task but…
I, for one, believe there is beauty in chaos.
Image credits: Unsplash.com