Here’s what happened when I uninstalled WhatsApp for 5 days!
I did the unthinkable.
I uninstalled WhatsApp.
(*mic drop*)
Albeit for a period of 5 days, I decided to do the unimaginable. I went off WhatsApp and Facebook.
Why? You may ask…
Either I wanted to get away from my annoying beau, ignore my self-proclaimed best friend, distance myself from people and their problems or just simply spend time alone.
The possibilities are endless.
But truth be told, all I needed was some me time.
My fascinating findings
So here is what happened. There was just so much time on my hands. It’s alarming and crazy when you finally realise how social media has taken over your life.
I wondered what I could do!
The answers to those unresolved questions…
I actually went through my phone- the lesser explored areas of it!
The art of rediscovering old apps fills you with a sense of gratification
Also your battery running out is no longer an issue!
As you reminisce the circumstances that made you install the apps in question, you find the reasons why you don’t delete them even if you don’t use them.
When you accept that you can’t laze around anymore and you feel like studying (*gasp*)
My books have never seemed so interesting. I actually learnt a few modules. University toppers beware!
Bidding adieu to all the crazy photos and videos in your gallery.
Have you ever opened your phone to show something to your friend only to have been embarrassed by the silly selfies and auto-downloaded random junk in it?
I ended up clearing the clutter in my phone. Well, you can’t learn all day, can you? Bye Bye, weird pics of strange people doing normal stuff (*ugh*).
Sometimes the best thing you can do is to go for a long walk and get some shut-eye.
A good night’s sleep has several surprising health benefits.
I was compromising on my sleep earlier as you can see and this made me promise myself that I would try to maintain a healthy sleep cycle.
Slaying your dragons.
I finally found time to strike things off my to-do list. Amongst other things I rearranged my shelves, cleaned my room, colour coordinated my laundry, spoke to my relatives after a very long time and I still had free time.
I was extremely happy. I could finally finish all my pending books and catch up on my reading.
Left-over data! OMG!
The worst thing you could do in this fast-paced technology-driven online media-hungry world is to not finish your precious MBs!
I ended up saving my data. Now that was a real bummer though.I wonder what my parents go through every day.
Discovering your true friends!
We often forget that we don’t need instant messaging apps and social media to appreciate how amazing our life is. And I’m thankful to all my friends who didn’t let Whatsapp affect my relations with them.
But things weren’t so hunky dory all round.
Things got outright annoying!
No information whatsoever! People were so dependant on WhatsApp that I had a hard time trying to know about the happenings in college including submissions. I had to resort to calling people up and had to explain why I was calling and not whatsapping them.
The moment of truth!
All jokes aside, the whole world runs on Whatsapp. I, unfortunately, can’t stop using it forever. So my brief stunt at staying away from WhatsApp finally comes to an end.
Coming to today, as I reinstall the app and wait for my messages and backup to be restored;
For better or for worse, I can’t help but wonder how technology has altered our lives forever.
Here is your take away…
Keep whatsapping! But don’t forget to live your life in between!
PS: Coincidentally WhatsApp was down for a few minutes last week in some parts of the world. Somebody heard my plea! 🙂
Originally published at on November 5, 2017.