A Pinch of Perspective

My life in NYC so far in a nutshell!

Nikita Mallya
6 min readSep 27, 2019

Have you ever been in a room with different people who have had amazing experiences around the world?

I have multiple times. ( *humble-brag*)

But nothing has quite been life-changing like my past few weeks here in New York City.

Loud. Busy. Crowded. Happening. Beautiful. Rich.

NYC is Love.

No wonder why it’s tagged the best city in the world.

It can feel intimidating and fascinating all at the same time. Every street I turn to, every person I meet, each passing second, I am bombarded with new information, trivia, and excitement.

From reading about NYC in books to rewatching Gossip Girl to locate all the high-end places in the city, New York City has always been an object of fascination to me.

And now, with me being here, walking on the streets, learning that people here walk faster than me (even though I have long skinny legs), trying to guess what language is being spoken around me (Spanish, French, Mexican, you name it), I still can’t seem to believe it.

Columbia University

Columbia University is beautiful and elegant in its structure and functioning and I find myself very fortunate to have been granted a seat to study in this prestigious institute.

Columbia Orientation

But everything is different here — the culture, the mannerisms, the classes and also how they define fun around here. And adjusting to it took a ton of effort. Your performance is monitored from day 1 — class participation, homework, quizzes and assignments. Every work you submit is graded so you need to be on the top of your game — every. single. day.

The professors are amazing. I can’t decide which subject is the best. I enjoy all of them equally. My attention span has seemed to increase, I can listen to 3 hours of class now. That to me is a huge miracle.

I have classes only three days a week. I know what you are thinking — Hallelujah! 4 days of freedom every week. But that is never the case. I am more at ease on days I have class. I only have to focus on making sure I am involved in class but every other day, I need to make sure I make optimum use of my time and leave space aside for fun! I have to work with my team of 8 super interesting people for one of my courses and we have our moments. It’s so great to interact with people from around the world. If there is one thing, I can’t stop stressing on, is the importance of exposure.

Butler Library at Night

“Party Hard, Work Harder”

When you work amidst really smart people, feeling stupid is pretty natural. I questioned my sanity, my skills and everything in between during my first two weeks in class. But soon, as I spoke to my peers, I understood that I was not alone. Everybody here was more or less, feeling the same. The pressure of wanting to get a top-notch internship while maintaining a great GPA can take its toll on you. And when you find yourself in the bubble, take a step back and have some fun — NYC has something for everyone here. Improv classes. Comedy. Baking. You name it! But then again, this is where “Party hard, Work harder” comes into play.


Goldman Sachs Info event

I met quite a few seniors and connections I have in New York City during the past few weeks. I learnt a lot as they told me of their struggles, their achievements and the methodologies they adopted to get where they are today. Every story was unique and empowering in its own way. And it got me thinking as to how we all go through the same phases in life.

I got to visit the Bloomberg office and the Goldman Sachs office here. I hope to make the most of my time here and meet people.

“Miss home?”

I am not homesick. Not even a tiny bit!

To speak the truth, I just don’t have time to be homesick because of everything else that’s being bombarded at me. Classes, assignments, events, networking, daily chores, cooking, sleeping all needs to fit into your life and trust me it’s pretty rough. To top it off, I speak to my parents so often these days, it’s crazy. I don’t think I have ever in my life spoken to them as much I as do now. But I couldn’t be more grateful. I know how they must have felt, sending me off to a foreign country on my own. I’m glad they trust me and consider me capable of doing it. And I’m also happy that they keep me in check with their silly banter and earnest love.

However, occasionally I do doubt my choices of my coming here when I see my friends hanging out with their office colleagues, having fun and sending their paychecks home. Just like the famous Gully Boy dialogue, I tell myself “Apna time Ayega.”

I did miss my first onam festival and I felt a bit left out.

Onam Celebrations back home. Find me!

But hey! I’m pretty sure I can find cool festivals to celebrate here too. So I guess it’s only human that I look forward to celebrating a grand New Yorky Christmas here in the city that never sleeps.

Cooking is No Rocket Science!

I don’t know why people fuss over cooking. Yes, it involves cleaning and cutting stuff up which can be quite a task (chopping up onions can be a very sad affair). And I’m loving it. From making a mean pepper chicken roast to creamy potato Baji, I can safely say that you won’t starve to death when you come to visit me presently or in future. I also have my wonderful roommate Sherin with me who is my master. Her IIT Madras brains really helped me secure a spot in the hall of fame when I first ventured into the field of masala and spices.

And why do my parents have to say? They couldn’t be more prouder. I’m slowly transitioning into being the perfect bride material. Just kidding or are they!?!?

Anyhow, this is what my roommate left me today!

When you are too good a cook!

Being a New Yorker

Based on my findings, a crash course on being a new yorker would entail the following actions

— Plugging in your earphones while you walk on the streets or while you ride the subway

— Reading a book on the subway while juggling with your Starbucks coffee.

— Being a subway expert

— Hating Times Square

— Walking as if you are running

— Falling in love with NYC every single time you look at the skyline

And voila! You are almost a New Yorker now.

It’s just been about two months since I landed here. And these two months have been life-changing. I can’t wait to see what will unfold in the days to come.

Never have I in my life, struggled with my words as much as I do today. Mind you, it’s not as if I’m forgetting how to write but rather the sense of perfectionism which I seek to impose. My mind has been broadened in ways I can’t express.

Graduate school is hard. But that doesn't stop me from trying my best. Things aren’t going to be smooth, I can already feel the pressure getting to me. Rest assured, I’m certain that it will all be worth it in the end. This is me looking forward to everything yet to come my way!


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Nikita Mallya

Product @ Tesla | Living my dreams, one at a time ❤️ | Product, Tech, Content